Thursday, June 22, 2017

Kissy face...

Have fun with words and memories....
Describe your first kiss: "Heavens, I don't even remember it. Must not have been that memorable I guess. Something I do remember though is the first boy I ever went "steady" with. His name was Carl, we were in the sixth grade. I am pretty short, but at the time I think he was a bit shorter than me, poor guy. He was a dreamy sixth grade musician, complete with seventies style nerdy horn-rim glasses. We held each others hands (very daring), in a death grip, during the sixth grade class trip."

Describe your last kiss: "It was a perfunctory goodbye kiss with hubby before he left the house for work this morning."

Describe your next kiss: "With hubby it will definitely be more passionate."

(Do grand-kid kisses count too? If so, I kissed, kissed, kissed, the tops of their cute little heads earlier today after spending some time with them this afternoon! In the future I can guarantee that I will not be able to resist doing it again when I see them.)

I have wanted to write for weeks now. You would think that with three of the four kids out of the house I would have oodles of time to do whatever I want. Wishful thinking. I am still working, but only part time now, there are animals to take care of, a household to run, and loads of laundry and weeds in the yard that constantly need attention, sigh. Health challenges continue but I can't dwell on it too much or I will just get bitter or depressed, better to keep my mind and body occupied and not let the daily pain completely stop me from living my life, even though it has slowed me down. As a boxing referee might say, "Down, but not out". Not yet anyway!

Reading Roundup...

I've reached a benchmark of reading 68 books out of my stated goal of 75, so far this year, it's time for an update. Over the years ...